IV sedation

Intravenous conscious sedation involves administering a sedative directly into the bloodstream, producing sedation with a very rapid onset that is easily controlled throughout the procedure.  If the patient is not adequately sedated, more medication can be administered and the effects are nearly instantaneous.  Compared to oral conscious sedation, intravenous conscious sedation is more controlled, produces more profound amnesia, and has a much faster onset.  However, just like oral conscious sedation, the protective reflexes (gag response) and spontaneous breathing are maintained.  While your level of consciousness is depressed, you will never be unconscious.

This form of conscious sedation is excellent for shorter procedures (1 to 2 hours in length) that tend to produce anxiety in patients, such as extractions and other surgical procedures, but can also be used for more routine work such as filling, crowns, and root canals.  It is also a great option for patients who are fearful of dental visits, or for patients with special needs.